You knew her from RHONY, you loved her from Bethenny Getting Married and now you really love her on Bethenny Ever After. Yes, you know who I am talking about; Bethenny Frankel.
How can you not like this woman? She's super smart and wicked funny! She developed her own liquor! A bit of a wise guy, she tells everyone how it's going to be. I heart her.
She just came out with a new book: A Place of Yes: 10 Rules for Getting Everything You Want Out of Life. In honor of this book, I vowed today to come from a place of Yes more often, too. Here's the recap:
1. My daughter asked to stay home today; she was sick. I said "YES, but you will clean your room, vacuum the living room and fold towels with me".
2. My husband asked if I was cooking dinner tonight or should he just plan to eat cereal. I said "YES, I'm cooking dinner, but if you complain 1 bit about the food, I'm never cooking again, so maybe cereal is a good choice for you tonight".
3. I received a call today from a lawn maintenance company asking if we'd like our annual spring clean up to take place next week. I said "YES, but I'd like for you to lower the price. It's quite an expensive service and we're considering cancelling altogether due to the cost."
See, I can play nice, too! Thanks for the inspiration, Bethenny Frankel!
I really should start watching RH of Wherever. I keep seeing it on facebook and twitter & I have no idea who these people are :P
This looks very interesting. I'll have to check it out. came over from the SITS comment hour. (I esp. love #2, lol!)
I only know of Betthany in passing, but I may have to checkout this book.
OMG! I AM TOTALLY OBSESSED WITH BETHENNY TOO!!!! She is awesome and funny! I seem to be the only one in my house that realizes this though. HA
comment hour
Ha ha, that is awesome! I will check out the book too!
Hey there! Visiting from Comment Hour!
Heck yes! Way to go with telling them who's boss!!! Love me some Bethenny!
I LOVE Bethenny, but I don't know how she lives with so many people running around her house. I would go crazy.
Something to think about! I'm Just One Donna from
haha I love this! What a great way to say yes :) Here from #commenthour. Be sure to check out my blog at
Bethenny rocks! I say YES to her & this post!!
I love her too and it breaks my heart to see how insecure she is. That last episode for her birthday was heartbreaking.
Visiting from #CommentHour!
Oh, yeah, I love her "Skinny Girl" margaritas! And I love your "YES, but..." Way to go. :-) Visiting from #commenthour
ha!ha!ha! love it!
LOVE THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And LOVE YOUR BLOG!! Visiting from SITS!! I can't wait to try out her book (thanks for the rec!) and practice this technique on The Hubs!
I love Bethenny! My husband thinks I'm nuts. LOL So did you get a better price on your lawn service?
I want to watch YOUR reality show! You are hysterically funny!!!
I have no clue as to who Bethany is... did you get a lower price on your lawn service?
Visiting from #CommentHour!
I love this! Yes with conditions. :) Visiting from #commenthour
Hmmmmm......maybe I'll try this tomorrow at work. I wonder how well it would go over! Great post and awesome blog! Stopping by from SITS Comment Hour!
LMAO!!! Love, love LOVE #2 and love me some Real Housewives also! Looking forward to keeping up with you blog!
CHEERS via #commenthour
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