Sunday, April 10, 2011

Well, hello there!

Oh boy, the first blog post.  This one has been a long time coming so why all of a sudden have I run out of things to write about?  Performance anxiety?  Yup, that must be it!  Suck it up, sista, and just write.

Phew, the nerves are over now (thank you to my little friend named margarita!)

I can't describe accurately enough how excited I am to be blogging.  I have so many plans for this blog; I truly want it to be on your list of go-to blogs each day.  To get the ball rolling, I created a little list to help you get to know me!

11 Things About this Mom

~ I have 3 girls and a hubby who I love so so much. They are the stars of my show. 

~ I loathe housework and would never ever clean if I didn't get anxious at the sight of a trashed room.  I wish I was a clean freak. 

~ I am useless in the kitchen, unless it's shepherd's pie, bacon or grilled cheese sandwiches. Nice combo...

~ I stress on a daily basis about whether my kids get enough exercise or vegetables. A mother's guilt.

~ I want to be a health nut.  I envy health nuts.  I've tried to be one.  I failed every time.  I wish someone would drag my butt to the gym.

~ Facebook and Twitter are my addiction.  Hey, it could be way worse, believe me.

~ I'm your girl when it comes to finding sales and deals!  I can navigate the web to find coupon codes and unbelievable discounts like nobody's business. I promise to share these findings with you.  

~ I handle the bills for the family and make it my mission to lower the bills as much as possible, but have been unsuccessful in lowering my grocery bill.  I have coupon envy.

~ Trashy reality TV and shows probably meant for teenagers are my thing.  I have a DVR lineup made for a 17 year old.  Rehashing these shows on day 2 are almost as fun as watching them. 

~ I work for a daily deal site and love to talk about my job to anyone who will listen and even to those who don't really care.  Be prepared.

~ I will probably cry each time I get a new follower and/or a new comment on this blog.  You love me, you really really love me? 

So that's a little hint of what's to come.  I do hope you enjoy the ride and will even participate at some point.


Beth said...

Congratulations on starting a blog. I agree with you on housekeeping.... I'm hoping one of my children will become a neat freak and take over the housekeeping for me. So far no luck.

I look forward to reading more posts.

MamaJess said...

Beth: refer to #11 above!

Thanks for commenting! I am buying chore cards in an effort to make cleaning a game for my kids. Fingers crossed...

I am checking out your blogs right now!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations MAMAJESS! I will definitely be following closely - you crack me up!

Anonymous said...

Cute name!!! Looking forward to your blog post!!! Great job! P.S. I can help you out with lowering that grocery bill!!!!

Anonymous said...

Can't wait! I love how it looks!

Unknown said...

Jess, great start to your blog! Love the "getting to know you" part! I am also a "savings junkie".....some people get a thrill from spending (and depending on what I can get excite from that) but I get my thrills from saving. also I am a HUGE reality girl....Big Brother, Biggest Loser....even the occasional (gasp) Jersey Shore! lol

I cant wait to read more!!